Saturday, February 11, 2012

New Couch!

This week we received a new (and much needed) addition to our rincon de leer... a couch! The old beanbag chairs we had were way more of a hassle than they were worth. After only a few months of niños jumping and playing on them they already needed replacing. We tried multiple times to repair them but still ended up with pieces of little white stuffing all over the library. The teens, who need to sweep part of the library before playing video games, should be especially pleased to see the beanbags go.

The library kids seem thrilled with the change as well, and having a comfy place to sit has seemed to encourage more reading! We are very appreciative of our new couch, which was a generous donation from a fellow American who lives in Rumiloma. The PDs are still searching for more comfy furniture to warm up the adult section of the library.

These primas look sweet and innocent when they are reading...

Eduardo photo bombing

Reading together before English class

Matias, my favorite reading partner

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