Annnnd... it's that time again. Time for PD Interviews Round 3 (or "tres," if you're super cool). Our very own Krysta Peterson will be getting her 15 minutes of fame behind the camera this FRIDAY... so be sure to either post your questions to this blog entry, or to e-mail me ( BEFORE this Friday (April 16th) at NOON.
If you're having trouble coming up with questions... I suggest the following topics:
1) Her involvement in the new Alinambi nutrition program
2) Her love for writing really long grants
3) Her (in)ability to speak English
4) Her thoughts on jorts
5) What it's like being the blondest blonde in Ecuador
6) Her favorite nickname
7) Her thoughts on baked goods
8) Her obsession with all things UT (Texas, that is) and her love for the Padres...

Krysta cheering on her Longhorns during the BCS Bowl game in January.
(I was CLEARLY cheering for 'Bama... Roll Tide Roll?)
Send in those burning questions!
1 comment:
why did she bring a cape from home and has she used it like she thought she would? also what food will she MISS when she leaves ecuador? ma ma duck
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