Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Although we are far from home for the holiday, we find ourselves among family and with many reasons to be thankful. I am thankful for this amazing opportunity to travel and to experience the richness of the Ecuadorian culture. I am thankful for the chance to teach and learn from the beautiful people in the Chillos Valley. I am thankful to the community of Rumiloma for inviting us into their hearts and homes. I am thankful to my fellow PD’s for sharing in this unique experience. I am thankful to all of our supporters (both financial and emotional), and to the UGA girls for choosing to spend their holiday with us.

For most of us it is our first time being away from home for Thanksgiving. Here in the Manna House we have decided to ease our homesickness by celebrating twice. We will have one feast tonight with our UGA volunteers (though slightly less extravagant since we are all working today), and a second Thanksgiving on Sunday with some of our friends and loved ones in Ecuador. We were able to find a reasonably priced Turkey (I hear Nicaragua wasn’t as lucky?) and will all be cooking our favorite recipes to share. We hope everyone at home is enjoying the holiday and we will share pictures of our celebrations in a few days.

Happy Thanksgiving from MPI Ecuador!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! To you all guys, this is Rod from San Diego California. I hope everything is going well with you. I am still with my relative who has cancer condition. I have been helping her with driving during her chemo therapy. She is doing well so far, the doctors are very happy of the response to the chemo and soon probably this type of treatment will stop and proceed with radiation and hopefully that would be the end of the treatment. She is doing well. As soon she gets well I will be able to return to Sangolqui and join you guys there.
Happy, happy thanks giving to you all!!

Fiona said...

You heard wrong - we have a turkey too!! It's about to come out of the oven. :)

Happy Thanksgiving!!