Saturday, December 1, 2012

Teen Center: Before and After

The new and improved Teen Center has been open for a week and there has been in a noticeable uptick in attendance. We've already had two big events as well. Our party to open up the new space last Friday was an awesome time. We had about 12-15 kids come through with the biggest draws being the new koosh hoop and dart board. We're getting a new xbox and new N64 games so I'm sure the new video game corner will re-take its rightful place as the most popular area. Peter, Joey, and I are planning on having an all-night video game party with the projector. We thought about inviting the kids but realized we should probably test everything to make sure it works properly first. You know, for the kids and all. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking for me.


Dirty, disheveled, a downright downer

 Jenny: Sad and Lonely



 Getting some teen help with the projector screen

New paint, new lights, new friends

Some of our volunteers, PDs, and the boss. 
I need a haircut

Video game and computer corner plus some cornhole
Our new permanent contrct

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