Mindo: Adventure weekend in a cloud forest.

Our home away from home for the weekend, Casa de Cecilia.

My Swiss Family Robinson dreams come to fruition.

Most of the group heads out to zip-line, while...

Dunc and Ryan enjoy a Pilsner by the river.
Early morning contemplations on the porch are very serious. 
The girls talk around the breakfast table.

An ideal breakfast. Followed by pancakes.

Scott, Meghan, Michael and Ryan learn about coffee roasting.

Roasting Coffee Beans!

Coca beans ready to be shelled, roasted, ground and spread on our pancakes.

View out the back of our hostel.

Scott, Taylor, Meghan and Ryan sit on one side of the truck bed...

While Dunc, Michael, Mari and I sit on the other.

Getting the "hold on really tight" speech before tube-rafting.

Everyone's ready for the river. Especially Dunc and Meghan...
1 comment:
Great pics and probably your last trip to Mindo :(
Nice report on the work and play of the summer vols.
Love you, Dad
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