Saturday, March 10, 2012

Adult English/Nutrition Party

Today we said goodbye to our first group of spring breakers (read about their trip here) and invited all of our Adult English and Nutrition students over to the Manna House for lunch. This is something we have been wanting to do for a while now, and it was a huge success and a great time. After our midterms this morning we closed the library a little early and headed home with everyone to finish preparing the food. Emily and Taylor’s Nutrition and Cooking students brought ingredients to make a few salads and our English students collaborated with soda, chips and desserts. Everyone was extremely helpful with the cooking, setting up, and cleaning up.

We love hanging out with the adults that come to the centro, and have been trying to come up with ways to spend more time with them. This was a great chance to get everyone together, invite them to see our house, and spend time together outside of the classroom setting. The weather cooperated for the most part and we were able to spread out outside as well as in the house. Some of the students set up a makeshift Ecuavolley match while others taught us a new card game inside. It was the perfect way to unwind after a long week of work, eating good food and speaking Spanglish with our students. This is the first time we have had so many students over at once, but we hope to make it a more common occurrence.

The whole group

The boys hogging all the ice cream

Nutrition students helping Taylor prepare the salads

Hanging out with super advanced students Ivo and Nadia

Steven, asking Taylor to translate rap lyrics


Craig Smith said...

A new card game? I've never met a single Ecuadorean that plays any card game besides Cuarenta. What is this new game they're playing nowadays?

Anonymous said...

It is called treinta y uno, very similar to blackjack and they play for money usually.