Welcome to Ecuador.July 2008

Dunc channels Guayasamin while waiting to see The Dark Night.

Jos and I feel not so good about the cow brains for sale at the market.

The group plays in a giant snail during our first weekend in Quito.

An incredible welcome to our new city, Quito as seen from the top of Pichincha.

View from the spires of the Basillica.
August 2008

Three little smiles at the amusement park.

Art students in the 2008 summer camp.

10 de Agusto celebrations in Old Town.

The sun sets on the dry season in spectacular ways.

Attempting to summit Pichincha in a flurry of fog and snow.

Serena treats Dunc to his favorite, Enya!

The rainy season begins...
September 2008

The infamous river clean up.

Central church in Cuenca.

Eliah looking good.

Jos, Serena and I pile on our new Panama hats.
October 2008
View from the bus in to Quito. 
Carving "pumpkins" with my family during their Ecuador visit.
November 2008
Festivals of Quito and bullfights on Thanksgiving.
Dunc carves our Thanksgiving bird.
December 2008

Eliah, Serena, Dana and Jos laugh during our Secret Santa exchange.

Returning to the West.
January 2009

Our bus advertising blitz attracts it's first interested party.

View of the Mindo cloud forest from above.

One of the many hummingbirds in Mindo.
February 2009

And the rainy season continues...

Jos and Dana lead a game in Children's English.

Art students work on their Van Gogh Starry Night interpretations.
March 2009
Jos and the Duke spring breakers paint the teen center in preparation for it's grand opening. 
The Library opening concert.
April 2009

Blue footed boobies on Isla de la Plata!

BBQ on the roof of the library with the teens from the teen center.

Wendy sets up Chinese Checkers and regards the camera skeptically.
May 2009
Setting up our booth at the health fair.
Selena and Jori goof around in the kid's corner.

Full moon during a family dinner on the roof.

Mark, Selena and Carlitos enjoy the bean bags.

Seth bonds with Joseph while hanging in the teen center.
June 2009

One of Michael's guitar students listens to the example chords.
July 2009
Celebrating with Dana after she reached the summit of Cotapaxi!
The wall of maps and Duncan's head. 
Seth attempts to shoulder both Serena and Dana in Otavalo. Mark and Dunc help. Eliah doesn't.
August 2009

Dana bonds with the polo horses at the hacienda.

And now it's their turn...!
Love, Holly
Nice roundup. Thanks for sharing these pix.
What an engaging photo-story! Thanks for taking the time to share what clearly has been a life changing year for you all, and a wonderful springboard for the next year(s). I have so enjoyed your journey via this blog!
What an amazing experienc efor all of you. It is amazing to look back over the year, even with these few pics, and think about how you all have grown and what you have accomplished. But we can't wait to see you.
love, Mom and Dad
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